Songs Written by Swanand Kirkire

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Aal Izz Well - 3 Idiots
Aal Izz Well (3 Idiots)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Shaan, Sonu Nigam, Swanand Kirkire
Give Me Some Sunshine - 3 Idiots
Give Me Some Sunshine (3 Idiots)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Sharman Joshi, Suraj Jagan
Zoobi Doobi - 3 Idiots
Zoobi Doobi (3 Idiots)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Shreya Ghoshal, Sonu Nigam
Jaane Nahin Denge Tujhe - 3 Idiots
Jaane Nahin Denge Tujhe (3 Idiots)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Sonu Nigam
Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh - 3 Idiots
Behti Hawa Sa Tha Woh (3 Idiots)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Shaan, Shantanu Moitra
Kyon Khoye Khoye Chand Ki - Khoya Khoya Chand
Kyon Khoye Khoye Chand Ki (Khoya Khoya Chand)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Ajay Jhingran, Swanand Kirkire
Sannata - Shamitabh
Sannata (Shamitabh)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Ilayaraja
Singers: Shruti Haasan
Ishq E Phillum - Shamitabh
Ishq E Phillum (Shamitabh)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Ilayaraja
Singers: Suraj Jagan
Bhagwan Hai Kahan Re Tu - PK
Bhagwan Hai Kahan Re Tu (PK)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Sonu Nigam
Nanga Punga Dost - PK
Nanga Punga Dost (PK)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Shreya Ghoshal
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