Songs Written by Swanand Kirkire

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Akkad Bakkad - Bombay Talkies
Akkad Bakkad (Bombay Talkies)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Mohit Chauhan
Bombay Talkies - Bombay Talkies
Bombay Talkies (Bombay Talkies)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Kailash Kher, Richa Sharma
Shubhaarambh - Kai Po Che
Shubhaarambh (Kai Po Che)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Shruti Pathak, Divya Kumar
Meethi Boliyan Sun Lo - Kai Po Che
Meethi Boliyan Sun Lo (Kai Po Che)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Mili Nair, Amit Trivedi
Manja - Kai Po Che
Manja (Kai Po Che)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Amit Trivedi
Tere Mere Darmiyaan - Inkaar
Tere Mere Darmiyaan (Inkaar)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Shantanu Moitra
Singers: Swanand Kirkire
Hari Bol - OMG Oh My God
Hari Bol (OMG Oh My God)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Sachin Jigar
Singers: Keerthi Sagathia
Picture Shuru - Barfi
Picture Shuru (Barfi)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Pritam Chakraborty
Navrai Majhi - English Vinglish
Navrai Majhi (English Vinglish)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Swanand Kirkire, Sunidhi Chauhan, Neelamabari Kirkire, Natalie Di Luccio
Jiyara Dhak Dhuk Hoye - English Vinglish
Jiyara Dhak Dhuk Hoye (English Vinglish)
Lyricists: Swanand Kirkire
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Singers: Amit Trivedi
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