Songs Composed by Bappi Lahiri

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Ek Aankh Marun To by Bappi Lahiri
Ek Aankh Marun To (Tohfa)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar
Gori Tere Ang Ang Mein by Bappi Lahiri
Gori Tere Ang Ang Mein (Tohfa)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Bappi Lahiri, Kishore Kumar
O Milan Maujon Se Maujon Ka by Bappi Lahiri
O Milan Maujon Se Maujon Ka (Tohfa)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam
Albela Mausam Kehta Hai Swagatam by Bappi Lahiri
Albela Mausam Kehta Hai Swagatam (Tohfa)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar
Pyar Ka Tohfa Tera by Bappi Lahiri
Pyar Ka Tohfa Tera (Tohfa)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar
Aankhon Se Girana Na by Bappi Lahiri
Aankhon Se Girana Na (Suhaagan)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar
Kya Suraj Amber Ko by Bappi Lahiri
Kya Suraj Amber Ko (Suhaagan)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar, Shabbir Kumar
Chhama Chham Chhai Chhai by Bappi Lahiri
Chhama Chham Chhai Chhai (Suhaagan)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle
Ghunghta Kholna Ghunghta by Bappi Lahiri
Ghunghta Kholna Ghunghta (Suhaagan)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Kishore Kumar
Tu Ladka Garam Masala by Bappi Lahiri
Tu Ladka Garam Masala (Suhaagan)
Lyricists: Indeevar
Musicians: Bappi Lahiri
Singers: Kishore Kumar, S. Janaki
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