Songs Written by Shailendra

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Suhana Safar Aur Yeh Mausam Haseen - Madhumati
Suhana Safar Aur Yeh Mausam Haseen (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Mukesh
Aaja Re Pardesi - Madhumati
Aaja Re Pardesi (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar
Toote Huye Khwabon Ne - Madhumati
Toote Huye Khwabon Ne (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Mohammed Rafi
Zulmi Sang Aankh Ladi - Madhumati
Zulmi Sang Aankh Ladi (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar
Ghadi Ghadi Mora Dil Dhadke - Madhumati
Ghadi Ghadi Mora Dil Dhadke (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar
Jungle Mein Mor Nacha Kisi Ne Na Dekha - Madhumati
Jungle Mein Mor Nacha Kisi Ne Na Dekha (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Mohammed Rafi
Kancha Re Kanchi Le Jajo - Madhumati
Kancha Re Kanchi Le Jajo (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Ghulam Mohammad, Sabita Chowdhury
Chadh Gayo Papi Bichua - Madhumati
Chadh Gayo Papi Bichua (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar, Manna Dey
Tan Jale Man Jalta Rahe - Madhumati
Tan Jale Man Jalta Rahe (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Dwijen Mukherjee
Dil Tadap Tadap Ke - Madhumati
Dil Tadap Tadap Ke (Madhumati)
Lyricists: Shailendra
Musicians: Salil Chowdhury
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
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