Songs Written by Kumaar

Welcome to the page of Kumaar. Here you will find the lyrics of songs written by Kumaar. If you are looking for some other lyricist then you can search him/her by using our Find Lyricist Tool which is given below. This tool will help you to easily find the lyricist.

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Zehnaseeb - Hasee Toh Phasee
Zehnaseeb (Hasee Toh Phasee)
Lyricists: Amitabh Bhattacharya, Kumaar
Musicians: Vishal Shekhar
Singers: Chinmayi Sripada, Shekhar Ravjiyani
Ishq Bulaava - Hasee Toh Phasee
Ishq Bulaava (Hasee Toh Phasee)
Lyricists: Amitabh Bhattacharya, Kumaar
Musicians: Vishal Shekhar
Singers: Sanam Puri, Shipra Goyal
Tanhaai - Karle Pyaar Karle
Tanhaai (Karle Pyaar Karle)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Suneel Darshan
Singers: Arijit Singh, Rayyan
Allah Allah - Singles
Allah Allah (Singles)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Sharib, Toshi
Singers: Sharib, Toshi
Saajan - Singles
Saajan (Singles)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Sharib, Toshi
Singers: Sharib, Toshi
Hai Soniye - Singles
Hai Soniye (Singles)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Sharib, Toshi
Singers: Sharib, Toshi
French Kiss - Singles
French Kiss (Singles)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Sharib, Toshi
Singers: Sharib, Toshi
Tujhse Door Jo Hota Hun - Singles
Tujhse Door Jo Hota Hun (Singles)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Gajendra verma
Singers: Gajendra Verma
Heer - Singh Saab The Great
Heer (Singh Saab The Great)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Anand Raj Anand
Singers: Sonu Nigam
Dhat Teri Ki - Gori Tere Pyaar Mein
Dhat Teri Ki (Gori Tere Pyaar Mein)
Lyricists: Kumaar
Musicians: Vishal Shekhar
Singers: Sanam Puri, Aditi Singh Sharma
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