Songs Written by Indu Jain

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Kahan Se Aaye Badra - Chashme Buddoor
Kahan Se Aaye Badra (Chashme Buddoor)
Lyricists: Indu Jain
Musicians: Raj Kamal
Singers: Yesudas, Haimanti Sukla
Kali Ghodi Dwar Khadi - Chashme Buddoor
Kali Ghodi Dwar Khadi (Chashme Buddoor)
Lyricists: Indu Jain
Musicians: Raj Kamal
Singers: Yesudas, Haimanti Sukla
Is Nadi Ko Mera - Chashme Buddoor
Is Nadi Ko Mera (Chashme Buddoor)
Lyricists: Indu Jain
Musicians: Raj Kamal
Singers: Shailendra Singh, Haimanti Sukla
Pyaar Lagawat Pranay Mohabbat - Chashme Buddoor
Pyaar Lagawat Pranay Mohabbat (Chashme Buddoor)
Lyricists: Indu Jain
Musicians: Raj Kamal, Surya Rajkamal
Singers: Anand Kumar C, Chitragupta Shrivastava, Hariharan, Shailendra Singh
Kaise Ho Pagal - Chashme Buddoor
Kaise Ho Pagal (Chashme Buddoor)
Lyricists: Indu Jain
Musicians: Surya Rajkamal
Singers: Haimanti Sukla, Rajkamal