Songs Composed by Mithoon

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Shukar Tera by Mithoon
Shukar Tera (Samrat And Co.)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Arijit Singh, Chinmayi Sripada
Mujhe Ishq Se by Mithoon
Mujhe Ishq Se (Yaariyan)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Tulsi Kumar, Gajendra Verma
Baarish by Mithoon
Baarish (Yaariyan)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Mohammad Irfan, Gajendra Verma
Is Dard E Dil Ki Sifarish by Mithoon
Is Dard E Dil Ki Sifarish (Yaariyan)
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Mohammad Irfan, Gajendra Verma
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho by Mithoon
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho (Aashiqui 2)
Lyricists: Mithoon, Irshad Kamil
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Arijit Singh, Palak Muchhal
Tum Hi Ho by Mithoon
Tum Hi Ho (Aashiqui 2)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Arijit Singh
Khalbali by Mithoon
Khalbali (3G)
Lyricists: Shelley
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Shilpa Rao, Arijit Singh, Tochi Raina
Bulbulliya by Mithoon
Bulbulliya (3G)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Adnan Sami
Kaise Bataun by Mithoon
Kaise Bataun (3G)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Kay Kay, Sonal Chauhan
Yeh Kasoor Mera Hai by Mithoon
Yeh Kasoor Mera Hai (Jism 2)
Lyricists: Mithoon
Musicians: Mithoon
Singers: Sonu Kakkar
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