Songs Written by Javed Akhtar

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Mere Dushman Mere Bhai - Border
Mere Dushman Mere Bhai (Border)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: Anu Malik
Singers: Hariharan
Aye Jaate Hue Lamhon Zara Thehro - Border
Aye Jaate Hue Lamhon Zara Thehro (Border)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: Anu Malik
Singers: Roop Kumar Rathod
Tu Hi Bata Zindagi Jo Bhi Hua Kyon Hua - Armaan
Tu Hi Bata Zindagi Jo Bhi Hua Kyon Hua (Armaan)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Singers: Roop Kumar Rathod, Shreya Ghoshal
Meri Zindagi Mein Aaye Ho - Armaan
Meri Zindagi Mein Aaye Ho (Armaan)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: Shankar Ehsaan Loy
Singers: Sunidhi Chauhan, Sonu Nigam
Ishwar Allah Tere Jahaan Mein - 1947 Earth
Ishwar Allah Tere Jahaan Mein (1947 Earth)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: A. R. Rahman
Singers: Sujata Mohan, Anuradha Sargam
Banno Rani Tumhe Sayani Hona Hi Tha - 1947 Earth
Banno Rani Tumhe Sayani Hona Hi Tha (1947 Earth)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: A. R. Rahman
Singers: Sadhana Sargam
Yeh Safar Bahut Hai Kathin Magar - 1942 A Love Story
Yeh Safar Bahut Hai Kathin Magar (1942 A Love Story)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: R. D. Burman
Singers: Shivaji Chattopadhyay
Rooth Na Jana - 1942 A Love Story
Rooth Na Jana (1942 A Love Story)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: R. D. Burman
Singers: Kumar Sanu
Rim Jhim Rim Jhim - 1942 A Love Story
Rim Jhim Rim Jhim (1942 A Love Story)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: R. D. Burman
Singers: Kumar Sanu
Kuch Na Kaho - 1942 A Love Story
Kuch Na Kaho (1942 A Love Story)
Lyricists: Javed Akhtar
Musicians: R. D. Burman
Singers: Kumar Sanu, Lata Mangeshkar
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